A research project promoted by Federcongressi&eventi and carried out by ASERI (Alta Scuola in Economia e Relazioni Internazionali) has measured the Italian Meeting Industry in 2014.
308,912 events organized for a total of 25,534,011 participants witness the strength of this segment of the Italian economy which boosts local tourism even in the off peak season.
Who are the stakeholders? Companies get the lion’s share with 56% followed by associations (33%) and institutions (11%).
Where? Congresses and events are organized mostly in hotels and congress centres, historic houses and government buildings but also at restaurants, malls, spas and even in farms. Out of 5,786 venues, those hosting at least 1,000 participants account for over 40% of attendees in Italy in 2014.
For more details read the Rapporto OICE 2014