State of the Net confirms its partnership with The Office once again. State of the Net is a (free) conference which tries to capture the state of the art of internet in Italy and in the world, considering its impact on our society. SOTN is a key meeting for the italian industry and tech community, as it investigates dynamics and opportunities in the current digital scenario.
SOTN 2015 will be organized in Milan in the framework of EXPO events. The location – thanks to the cooperation with Unicredit – is the brand new Unicredit Pavilion designed by Michele De Lucchi and located in the heart of Milan’s new Porta Nuova skyline.
The key word for 2015 is ALGORITHMS.
Who is deciding what is the first link that we see in the results of a search engine? What defines which of our friend’s post we see on our Facebook page? Why do we see those ads on our favourite web sites? Who is controlling the thousands of financial transactions that happen every second on the stock exchange? How can a currency be used by millions of people without being issued by any central bank?
Pre-register to learn more!