ASNP – Associazione Italiana per lo studio sul Sistema Nervoso Periferico

Client Associazione Italiana per lo Studio del Sistema Nervoso Periferico
Town Trieste
Date April
Location changes every year
Attività Association Management and annual meeting



The Italian Association for the Study of the Peripheral Nervous System (ASNP) – founded in Trieste in 2010 as a natural evolution of the Peripheral Nervous System Study Group (GSSNP) – aims at promoting research on the peripheral nerve by disseminating programmes and results and creating new opportunities of collaboration.

ASNP is not a closed association, but collaborates with other Italian and international associations by participating in and supporting other events.

Its members meet in spring during the Annual Meeting, when the Assembly takes place.


The Italian Association for the Study of the Peripheral Nervous System (ASNP) – founded in Trieste in 2010 as a natural evolution of the Peripheral Nervous System Study Group (GSSNP) – aims at promoting research on the peripheral nerve by disseminating programmes and results and creating new opportunities of collaboration.

ASNP is not a closed association, but collaborates with other Italian and international associations by participating in and supporting other events.

Its members meet in spring during the Annual Meeting, when the Assembly takes place.