The association
Founded in 1874, Associazione Medica Triestina (AMT) is the oldest scientific society in Trieste. Throughout these years, marked by dramatic political, cultural and social changes, AMT has always been a major scientific and cultural reference point for the medical profession in Trieste.
The event
“Giornate Mediche Triestine”, the Trieste Medical Days, are the yearly AMT top event: a national scientific meeting gathering every November around a chosen topic professionals and academics of the Italian health sector. This year they took place on 7th and 8th November 2019.
On the 7th of November the inaugural session took place in the Representation Hall of Palazzo della Regione. After the welcome addresses by the Mayor of Trieste and by the AMT 2019 President Carlo Trombetta, two exceptional hosts have been introduced for the first time at GMT : Francesco Schittulli President of LILT Association and Silvia Marchesan, one of the more brilliant eleven scientific reseachers in the world.
According to the arguments treated in the two days of GMT, the two hosts have exposed the LILT campaigns that took place in the month of October: “Nastro azzurro” and “Nastro Rosa” to prevents respectively the prostate and the breast cancer.
The 8th of November, the GMT meeting moved to the Aula Magna “Rita Levi Montalcini” in the Hospital of Cattinara. The second day opening session has been centred on the “Economical sustainability of therapies”, connected to the sanitary system and followed by two sessions on the Prostate Cancer Unit (PCU) and Breast Unit.
Our contribution
The Office has collaborated with AMT since 1996 as the association’s secretariat and PCO.
Besides taking care of the Association Management we also fully organise the “Giornate Mediche Triestine”: fund raising and sponsorships, management of registrations, scientific programme and continuous medical education, just to mention a few of our manifold activities.
Based on a relationship of trust and cooperation, our support helps AMT fulfil its century old, yet contemporary mission.