Focus on the first half of 2019
Events organized by The Office
International Master Degree (Master PNS)
On 21st January 2019 the Second Level master in Pheripheral Nervous System will take place in Milan. Main topics: neuro-anatomy and neuro-biology.
14th – 16th February 2019, Trieste. The innovative Congress of dermatology and aesthetic medicine takes place every two years in Trieste.
Giornata per le Malattie Neuromuscolari 2019
9th March 2019. In 17 different venues all over Italy we celebrate the Day for Neuromuscular Diseases, a nationwide project involving physicians and patients suffering from rare diseases.
23°Congresso Sezione Triveneta SIA
23th March 2019, San Daniele del Friuli. The Italian Society of Andrology organizes the twenty-third edition of the Congress for its members coming from the 3 North Eastern regions of Italy: Trentino-Alto Adige, Veneto and Friuli Venezia Giulia.
9° riunione annuale dell’Associazione Italiana per lo Studio del Sistema Nervoso Periferico (ANSP)
11-13th April 2019. ASNP, the Italian Association for the study of the Peripheral Nervous System has chosen Padua as the venue that will host its 9thannual edition.
68° Convegno SUNI
10th – 11th May 2019, Finale Ligure. 68th Congress of the Society of Northern Italy Urologists.
11th Cell Cycle Meeting
3rd-6th June 2019. Trieste, city of Science will host the 11th Cell Cycle Meeting, one of the pro-ESOF events.