Seventh Annual Meeting ASNP. Joint meeting ITA-FR (ASNP)


20-22 April 2017
Bergamo - Italy

Flyer ASNP 2017

ASNP 2017








Official language of the event: English

Organizing Secretariat
the office srl
tel. 040 368343
fax 040 368808





Centro Congressi Giovanni XXIII

V.le Papa Giovanni XXIII,

Bergamo, Italy


Click here to download the Updated Scientific Programme


30 November 2016 abstract submission open
16 January 2017 online registration open
23 January 2017 deadline abstract submission
20 February 2017 deadline Early Bird registration


Online registration are now closed. New registrations can be made onsite in Bergamo.

Registration type

Fees By 20/02/2017 After 20/02/2017
ASNP member* € 244,00 € 292,80
ASNP member* under 35  € 152,50 € 183,00
Non member € 305,00 € 366,00
Non member under 35 € 213,50 € 244,00

All the fees are VAT included.

Registration fee includes: access to scientific panels, congress kit, certificate of attendance and social program.

* To benefit from member fee you must have set your ASNP 2016 membership.



Cancellation Policy
Cancellations will be accepted only if arrived by written request by email ( in the following schedule:

  • by 20 February 2017
    20% penalty
  • after 20 February 2017
    no refund

All refunds will be set at the end of the congress.


Renewal ASNP membership

To benefit from member fee you must have set up your ASNP 2016 membership. ASNP 2016 membership (effective from April 2016 to April 2017) is 50,00 € per year.  For those who haven’t provide yet to set their membership status during the previous ASNP Annual Meeting, we suggest to do it by bank transfer to:

Associazione italiana per lo studio del Sistema Nervoso Periferico
bank: UNICREDIT -Sede di Trieste IBAN – IT 55 A 02008 02230 000104279178

Please send a copy of the bank transfer by fax at 040 368808


Abstract submission is now closed

Participants can submit oral communication or Poster only.

Scientific Committee will evaluate all scientific contributions and possible presentation, pubblication and procedures (poster o oral)

Abstract Submission deadline: Monday 23 January 2017

Abstract acceptance response date: tbd

Deadline Early Bird fee: Monday 20 February 2017

Communications for further details will be sent by email to the Corresponding author at the beginning of March 2017.

As a guarantee for the presentation, the Presenting author has to be registered to the meeting.

Language: Abstracts have to be composed in english.

During the congress, presentations and discussion will be held in english.

Abstract guidelines

Abstracts has to be composed following these instructions:

Formats accepted .doc (Word)      / .docx    (Word)
Lenght max 400 words (A4 format)
Title Times New Roman 12, capital, left allineament, followed by a new line
Authors Times New Roman 12, bold, left allineament, underline the name of the author who will present the Abstract, followed by a new line, Surname followed by  the initial of the name.
Affiliation Times New Roman 12, capital, left allineament, followed by a new line
Text Times New Roman 12, justified (do not use columns), single space
Symbols Do not use Greek letters, if necessary write it in full (i.e. alpha)
File Name SurnameN_01.doc   of first author, it is not necessary that  the  presenting author is the first author (surname + initial of the name _ progressive number of the abstracts submitted)


L’evento sarà accreditato ai fini ECM.
Provider: the office srl, provider standard

Maggiori informazioni verranno pubblicate nelle prossime settimane.


Nota bene

I crediti verranno assegnati solo a chi avrà completato il 100% del percorso formativo, frequentando tutte le sessioni (firme entrata/uscita) e restituendo il questionario di apprendimento compilato correttamente.

Gli attestati riportanti i crediti ECM saranno spediti dopo la verifica del completamento del percorso formativo.


The Organizing Secretariat has reserved some rooms for the event, conveniently located.

From January 16, 2017 it will be possible to book your room.