NeuroMI 2017
The International Symposium on Personalised Medicine in Multiple Sclerosis
Guido Cavaletti
Dipartimento di Medicina e Chirurgia
Università degli Studi Milano Bicocca, Monza
Breaking news:
Abstracts Online
Under the auspices of
Online registration are now open: click here to register
Early Bird registration deadline: 30 June 2017 15 July 2017
Registration type
Fee | Early bird by 15 July | After 16 July |
Medical |
€ 366,00 | € 427,00 |
Other Professions |
€ 244,00 | € 305,00 |
Junior Specialist (under 35 years old) |
€ 183,00 | € 183,00 |
NeuroMI Members | Free Registration | |
Dottorandi UNIMIB | Free Registration |
All the fees are VAT included.
Registration fee includes: access to scientific panels, congress kit, certificate of attendance and social program.
Online by credit card
When you are redirected to the bank secure website for credit card payment
1. click the flag corresponding to your language
2. be advised that an extra security code may be requested for online payments. For more information click Verified by Visa or Mastercard Secure Code
By Bank Transfer
Please remember that:
– all amounts must be net of all bank charges. Should the payment include bank charges, participants shall be asked to pay them directly at the Congress
– put “your name surname/NeuroMI2017“ in the payment references section of the bank form
– pay within 10 days after completing this form
– scan and e-mail a copy of the bank transfer to
Bank transfers must be made in euro to:
Intestatario c/c : The Office s.r.l.
Banca: UniCredit Banca
Indirizzo: Via Cassa di Risparmio 10 (07030) – Trieste
Codice IBAN: IT69F0200802230000101867672
Cancellation Policy
Cancellations will be accepted only if arrived by written request by email ( in the following schedule:
by 30 July 2017
20% penalty
after 30 July 2017
no refund
All refunds will be set at the end of the congress.
Here the ProgrammeNeuroMI2017
Here the programme at a glance
Scientific Board
Guido Cavaletti
Dipartimento di Medicina e Chirurgia – Università degli Studi Milano Bicocca, Monza
Scientific board
Marco Antoniotti
Paolo Cherubini
Giberto Chirico
Carlo Ferrarese
Angelo Maravita
Paola Marmiroli
Massimo Masserini
Rosa Maria Moresco
Francesca Neri
Andrea Ongaro
Eraldo Paulesu
Danilo Porro
Carlo Reverberi
Luca Stanca
Lucio Tremolizzo
Executive Committee
Elisabetta Donzelli
Paola Di Rienzo
Federica Cavaletti
ECM for Italian participants only
Evento n. 1386 -197343
Il Congresso è stato accreditato nel Programma Nazionale ECM Agenas per 200 partecipanti.
Sono stati assegnati: n. 10,5 crediti
Obiettivo formativo: applicazione nella pratica quotidiana dei principi e delle procedure dell’evidence based practice (EBM – EBN – EBP)
Professioni e discipline accreditate:
- Medico Chirurgo:
Neurologia, Neurochirurgia, Neurofisiopatologia, Neuroradiologia, Medicina fisica e riabilitazione, Radiodiagnostica, Medicina Generale (Medici di famiglia), Ginecologia e Ostetricia
I crediti verranno assegnati solo a chi avrà completato il 90% del percorso formativo, frequentando tutte le sessioni (firme entrata/uscita) e restituendo il questionario di apprendimento compilato correttamente.
Gli attestati riportanti i crediti ECM saranno spediti dopo la verifica del completamento del percorso formativo via mail dal Provider.
Summary of speakers
Here a summary of NeuroMI’ speakers
Abstracts NeuroMI2017
Take a look at the abstracts of NeuroMI2017
Under the auspices of
Università degli Studi di Milano Bicocca
Piazza dell’Ateneo Nuovo, 1 – Milano